Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Dogs Do

Whilst I can appreciate that dogs on a tennis court maybe a distraction for all kinds of reasons I do find it difficult to picture a blind person accompanied by their guide dog standing there listening to this tennis game.

In an adjacent area to this there is a small fenced off dog-free zone where folk can sit and eat and drink. More often than not I see dogs enter here from the vast expanse of grass and numerous trees beyond. It is here that the dogs piss and crap before leaving. Either the dogs can't read or they are being wilfully malicious.


Brian Sibley said...

The truth is very simple: dogs CAN'T read and so, not knowing where to go to relieve themselves, they tend to ask a passing squirrel and - since, as is widely-known, squirrels are VERMIN - they maliciously direct the dogs to do their business in the dog-free zone...

Animal behaviour is often very sinister...

Rob Cox said...

David - Do you collect public signs relating to dogs and if so - why? What have the poor muts ever done to you? And why is such an anti-shit sign not in evidence on escalators?

David Weeks said...

Rob ~ I collect signs.

Anti-shit signs are not needed on elevators for dogs, as all dogs are carried and, as we know, a dog has more sense than to defecate on a person whilst being carried.

An anti-drunk sign might be more useful to avoid the smell of piss that pervades the Underground after certain times at night ~ though it is unlikely that a drunk would be able to read and wouldn't care less, even if he could!

Diva of Deception said...

I thought it was obvious about the guide dogs on the tennis courts?

It is most distracting to the other players when the guide dog accompanies its master and barks a series of instructions so said master can hit the ball!

Anonymous said...

Guide dogs are bastards, oh they think they're so high and mighty just because they show a couple of guys where the stairs, toilets and oncoming traffic is. They swan in and out of all the best shops, demand to be the first ones on the tube, and don't even get me started on their table manners.